Friday, June 24, 2016

Steampunk Makeup

I have a very good friend that is also addicted to Steampunk. She is a makeup genius and very famous here in Israel.

During the recent Midburn even in Israel, I decided to use the time wisely and interview her!
I Love contrasts. Elements that contradict each other, or their relationship is controversial, which appear together and form some kind of twist.
Pleasant and unpleasant, visible and hidden, interior and exterior, beautiful and ugly, unexpected and surprising.

In my work I tried to make-up and painting quite a few times to create the contrast that, and the last work I made I tried to bring it to fruition.
This work has been planned for quite some time. Cogs, some bought and some of my grandfather took me over a year waiting until finally I took the idea into practice.
I have a strong affection for gears and parts of clocks. I can not explain it conclusively, but I think that had something aesthetically beautiful and quite fascinating. Or maybe it has to do that I really love watches. Yeah, maybe I'm a little strange. Anyway, the gears are very dominant characteristic of Steampunk. Do not feel uncomfortable if you do not know what that means ... it's alternative culture. I am here to explain ;-)

Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction. I like it, it has opposites - the world of steampunk contains new technology and fiction which consists of industrial elements obsolete relatively spirit of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century as gears, machine parts, steam engines (steam = steam, hence the name) and other elements.
This so-called history of the Industrial Revolution the late 19th century, but it and the technology have evolved very differently from what we know. In this world there is no plastic, or electricity or gas ... technology is based on steam, gears, etc., that make up a fictional futuristic inventions.
This sub-genre has developed a whole culture, and has become an alternative style manifested in clothing, design and art. It is a style that consists of Victorian industrial elements and this fictional world - a lot of gears, metal, hats, clothing with long brown leather and metal buckles, lots of corsets and men's clothing Victorian style. Fun :-)
In this work I took a lot of inspiration steampunk, cogs and even gold dominant color, and the connection between old and new technology and old-fashioned period.
I decided to just not go in the direction of the Victorian and strengthened the opposition. I picked up the gears and mechanics, and connected them with a more classic element - something resembling an ancient statue. Industrial mechanics of classical sculpture sounded like an interesting contrast. The mechanical connection between the clean, white interest me, as well as the contrast between something that is static, like a statue, and the gears are supposed to be in motion. The area of ​​the gears inside very busy, compared to the rest of the face that are peaceful and quiet.

In terms of make-up, I really love the part above the upper lip and the nose there is something very sculptural, and I tried to give such effect makeup.

Steampunk Addict? Many more to read here 

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